The 2021 Public Invention Annual Awards

Public Invention generally does not pay its volunteers (there are rare exceptions.) In general, we try to maintain the policy of “no out-of-pocket expenses” (NOOPE) which is that we pay for materials, supplies, and equipment, but do not directly compensate volunteers. It is therefore essential that we recognize volunteers for their hard work. Sometimes this recognition is simply a github enty and a thank you, but every year we try to make awards to those volunteers who have distinguished themselves in the quality and quantity of the gift they have freely given of themselves to the world. Award recipients get an attractive green plaque:

Every year we award the “Special Recognition” award to one or two persons who have not volunteered for Public Invention, but have worked in alignment with the mission of Public Invention.

Nathaniel Bechard
Best Public Inventor, 2021
For the PolyVent

This is the highest award offered by Public Invention. Nathaniel is a 17-year old public inventor who has led the design of the PolyVent open source ventilator.

Victor Suturin
Best Invention Coach, 2021
For the PolyVent

Victor Suturin, PhD, is the creator of the PolyVent project and has been leading the project for several years.

Leith Greenslade
Special Recognition, 2021
For RespiraCon II and Organizing Demand

Leith Greenslade has organized global demand for medical respiration devices on LMICs better than anyone else in the world.

Sabia Abidi
Most Active Board Member, 2021
For RespiraCon II and Mentoring Opportunities

Dr. Abidi is a great educator and instigated the RespiraCon II conference.

Veronica Stuckey
Best New Public Inventor, 2021
For the Passive Ferrofluid Check Valve

Veronica Stuckey is a young bioengineer who built the world’s first passive ferrofluid check valve.

Marc T. Jones
Honorable Mention Board Member, 2021
For the Sunlight Regulatory License

Marc Jones is an IP attorney who is developing a new open source license to create a public commons of FDA applications.

Lauria Clarke
Best Addition to a Research Paper, 2021
For “VentMon: An open source inline ventilator tester and monitor.

Lauria Clarke designed the electronics part of the VentMon and helped in the mechanical design and programming.

Ben Coombs
H.M. Addition to a Research Paper, 2021
For “Open-source hardware and the great ventilator rush of 2020

Ben Coombs helped write this important summary of the attempt to build ventilators in 2020.

Megan Cadena
Best Staff Contribution, 2021
For Outreach Coordination

Megan Cadena is a bioengineer who leads the administration of Public Invention.

Miriam Castillo
Best Volunteer Staff Contribution, 2021
For Volunteer Recruitment

Miriam Castillo is a volunteer who has recruited some great volunteers for Public Invention.

Audrey Rushing
H.M. Volunteer Staff Contribution, 2021
For Social Media

Audrey uses our social media accounts to promote Public Invention.

Ben Coombs
Greatest Contribution, 2021
For “the Ox”, VentMon, and VentOS

Ben Coombs has worked on three of the most important projects for Public Invention.

Christina Cole
Most Impactful Writing, 2021
For the Oxygen Concentrator Maintenance

Christina Cole wrote an excellent guide to manintaining Oxygen Concentrators.

Diego Aspinwall
Best Student Writing, 2021
For Geotagtext, A Tutorial: A Free Geotagging Web Application Composed of Free Tools

Diego wrote a great tutorial on geotagging before he began attending University.

(No Plaque for this group award:)

Christopher J Fang, Kaitlyn Wang, Stephanie A. Ponce, Concepcion C Appio-Riley, Sana A. Mohamed, and Samuel Robedee
Best University Team, 2021
For EcoPot

The Rice University EcoPot team obtained a potential 40% reduction in fuel usage based on an improved pot design.

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