
Consider becoming a volunteer with Public Invention

Welcome 2023 Public Inventors and Invention Coaches Volunteers!

Volunteering with Public Invention is a great way to get involved, meet new people, and contribute on humanitarian engineering efforts.

Candidates should be passionate about humanitarian service and be able to dedicate ~6 hrs/week to supporting the efforts of Public Invention.

We are maintaining the most up-to-date Immediate Volunteer Needs explained in greater detail here.

Last Updated July 03, 2024.

Public Inventors for the GOSQAS Project Team

Public Invention, an innovative organization committed to advancing open-source technology, is spearheading the development of a Global Open Source Quality Assurance System (GOSQAS) to revolutionize project data tracking. Recognizing the expansive landscape of open-source initiatives worldwide, Public Invention aims to address the critical need for standardized quality assurance with data tracking.

By establishing GOSQAS, the organization seeks to ensure transparency, reliability, and interoperability across diverse projects. This ambitious initiative not only enhances collaboration but also empowers developers with comprehensive tools for monitoring and improving project outcomes. Ultimately, Public Invention envisions a future where GOSQAS serves as a cornerstone for fostering trust, efficiency, and continuous innovation within the global open-source community.

This system, anchored by our open-source provenance tracker known as Global Distributed Tracking (GDT), enables truthful and transparent documentation. GDT is accessible via simple website access, making it ideal for low-resource settings, allowing users to securely record their project data. Embodying our development philosophy of "Trust Through Transparency" (TTT), GOSQAS fosters improved global communication across diverse communities. Initially aimed at ensuring trust in open-source medical devices, GDT has expanded its reach to support humanitarian aid networks, biomedical engineering, scientific research, and distributed manufacturing sectors, serving an increasingly diverse user base.

If this project concept reasonates with you, then please consider joining their efforts. Public Invention is looking for volunteers to support their current team: Team Page Click Here! 

Ideal candidates will need to be comfortable developing software. 


  • Knowledge of or interest in Computer Science (required): A solid foundation in computer science principles including data structures, algorithms, and system architecture is crucial. Understanding of cryptography principles such as encryption, hashing, digital signatures, and secure communication protocols (like TLS) are assistive.
  • Experience with JavaScript/Node.js/TypeScript Expertise: Proficiency in JavaScript, Node.js, and TypeScript is necessary as these are the core languages for development. Experience with asynchronous programming, server-side development using Node.js, and TypeScript for type safety and scalability is important. 
  • Frontend Development (Nuxt.js, Vue.js): Expertise in frontend development using frameworks like Nuxt.js and Vue.js is required. This includes building responsive and scalable user interfaces, handling state management (Vuex), and integrating frontend components with backend services.
  • Azure Blob Storage: Hands-on experience with Azure Blob Storage is essential for managing and storing binary large objects (BLOBs) such as images, documents, and other files securely in the cloud. Knowledge of Azure services for scalability, reliability, and security considerations is beneficial.
  • QR Code Integration: Experience in generating, scanning, and processing QR codes within web applications using JavaScript libraries or native browser capabilities. Understanding of QR code standards, error correction techniques, and data encoding formats (like UTF-8) is valuable.
  • Security Best Practices: Familiarity with security best practices in web development, including data encryption at rest and in transit, secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, and vulnerability assessment and mitigation.
  • System Design and Architecture: Ability to design scalable and maintainable systems using microservices architecture, considering performance optimization, fault tolerance, and scalability requirements.
  • Version Control and Collaboration Tools: Proficiency in using Git for version control, understanding branching strategies, and experience with collaboration tools like GitHub or GitLab for code review and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD).
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to troubleshoot issues, optimize performance, and implement efficient algorithms and data structures.
  • Self-motivated: drives tasks forward and seek guidance when necessary (required)
  • Excellent Documentation and Communication: Clear communication skills to collaborate effectively with team members, document code, write technical specifications, and provide support and training as needed in a professional manner (required)
  • Current college student or recent graduate (Accepted)


Volunteers will have the opportunity to work on a cutting-edge project with significant global impact potential, leveraging their skills in computer science and cryptography to revolutionize humanitarian aid tracking and supply chain transparency without relying on blockchain technology. The experience will provide exposure to modern Agile methodologies and cryptographic tools, fostering professional growth and contributing to a meaningful cause.

  • Commitment and Collaboration: Dedicate approximately 6 hrs/week for a duration of 6 months to actively contribute to the project. This includes attending regular team meetings, adhering to project timelines, and effectively communicating progress and challenges.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with the open-source community, possibly contributing to forums, conducting workshops, or presenting at conferences to share insights and gather feedback for continuous improvement of the system.
  • Global Impact and Philanthropy: Understand and contribute to the project's mission of enhancing global humanitarian aid tracking in low- and middle-income countries. Motivation to innovate in fraud prevention and supply chain transparency through open-source solutions is crucial.
  • Documentation and Testing: Contribute to writing technical documentation, test cases, and user guides to ensure the system's reliability, scalability, and maintainability. Conduct thorough testing to identify and resolve bugs and ensure the system meets functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Agile Development: Participate in Agile development practices within a professional computer science team. This involves iterative development, regular sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and collaborative problem-solving.
  • System Development: Collaborate in designing, developing, and maintaining the Global Distributed Tracking (GDT) project using JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript, Nuxt, Vue, and Azure blob storage. This includes implementing features for QR code generation and scanning, managing Unique Device Identifiers (UDIDs), and ensuring data provenance through centralized documentation.
  • Cryptography and Security: Apply modern cryptographic tools and techniques to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity within the system. Volunteers will contribute to designing and implementing cryptographic protocols, potentially including zero-knowledge proof systems and in-browser cryptography.

General Volunteering

Public Invention needs people who want to invent things in the public interest without the need to be paid for it.

We are attempting to create a movement to democratize invention. The future of invention is not the lone genius, but teams of people working in the light---in public---and asking others for help.

So we need Invention Coaches: people who can drive a project forward.

We need Public Inventors who are nerds: people who can do the homework and intellectual work to make an ideal real. But we also need Public Inventors who are writers, photographers, testers, fundraisers, managers, and artists.  Whatever skill you can provide, we can probably find a way to use it!

We also need ideas. One of our principles is that ideas are cheap. Ideas are easy to come by. The hard work is going from an idea to a working invention that others can use. But we believe there is value in publishing ideas, even fairly vague ideas, as long as you are willing to give them freely to the world. If you are willing to release an idea under a Creative Commons license and agree not to patent it, we will help you organize and publish your idea at Public Invention, where perhaps, someday, a team, with or without you, will make your idea real for the benefit of all humanity.

There may come a time when the Head Coach of Public Invention can't talk to everyone, but that day is not yet come!

If interested to volunteer, internship, or be a Coach Leader, please submit your resume and a statement of interest to volunteers@pubinv.org

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  • Describe what roles you're interested in volunteering for.
  • Include a brief message